yakya·daqi· (children) and Me

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Goals of yakya·daqi· and Me

🌿 Immerse yourself in culturally rich experiences rooted in traditional Makah parenting and childbirth practices.

👩‍👧‍👦 Connect with fellow Makah parents and caregivers in a supportive and inclusive environment.

📚 Access valuable insights and resources on Makah parenting and childbirth tailored to our community's unique needs.

💖 Strengthen the precious bond between you and your little one through shared cultural experiences.

💪 Feel empowered with the knowledge and confidence to embrace and preserve our Makah cultural identity for generations to come.

Who is yakya·daqi· and Me for?

yakya·daqi· and Me is for families with children up to 5 years old from the Makah community, including parents who are Makah tribal members or raising children who are tribal members.

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